Kayaking in the Great Marsh Preserve

Just north of Lewes is an amazing place, where bird song and tranquility dominate your senses. I’m talking about the Great Marsh Preserve — 17 thousand acres of coastal wetland near the mouth of the Delaware Bay at Broadkill River. The preserve is adjacent to Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge. We visited in mid-October, after […]

Going Wild at the Virginia Safari Park

I’ve enjoyed drive-through animal “safari” zoos several times, always delighting in seeing (and usually getting to feed) the animals. Kids will love it, but so will any but the most cynical of adults. And believe it or not, this makes a great winter daytrip! The Virginia Safari Park was no different, and cool — it’s open […]

Paddling James — A Kayak Adventure on the James River

The James River begins in the Appalachian Mountains and flows 348 miles to the Chesapeake Bay, past Richmond, Williamsburg, and Jamestown — all former or present state capitals of Virginia. It’s been a river vital to the state of Virginia and remains so today. It’s easy to see why. The river is a major recreational […]

Percival Island Rail Trail — Biking a Portion of the James River Heritage Rail Trail

Lynchburg offers more than 40 miles of bike and walking trails. which visit various parts of the town’s historic neighborhoods and parks. We didn’t have our bikes on this ride — the first day of a seven-day whirl-wind of daytrips, so we rented bikes  — very comfortable Townies — at Bikes Unlimited, before heading off […]

Take the 24 in 24 Clearfield Challenge: Can You Do Them All?

I’ve visited Clearfield County three times now, and I’m impressed by how much there is to see and do there! From dinosaurs to cars to Civil War history, cute b&bs, some fab food, a bloody cabin, and hiking, biking and kayaking! You’ll find plenty there to keep you busy! Take the “24 in 24 Challenge,” […]

Wicomico’s Whitehaven Hotel

The Whitehaven Hotel, sitting serenely on the banks of the Wicomico River, offers weary travelers a place to de-stress in rural Wicomico County. Its stately exterior hides over a century of secrets: the building started out as a modest residence in 1810 adjacent to the Whitehaven Ferry, one of the oldest publicly run ferries in […]

Walking the Delaware Canal North of Lumberville

The 60-mile long Delaware Canal towpath runs from Easton to Bristol and is a National Recreation Trail. Once trod by mule teams pulling cargo-laden boats along the canal, the towpath is used today by walkers, joggers, bicyclists, cross-country skiers, fishing enthusiasts, and bird watchers. The author, doing what she does wherever she goes in the […]

PVSP: Hiking the Cascade Falls Trail

Newt enjoyed playing in the stream. A beautiful June Sunday brought us out to a Maryland state park for an afternoon of hiking and exploring the Cascade Falls Trail, which is just a few miles away from my home in the Orange Grove Area of the Patapsco Valley State Park. In the heart of suburban […]

Biking with the Hound at Edwards Ferry

The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (more commonly known as the C&O Canal) runs 184+ miles in Maryland, stretching from DC to Cumberland along the Potomac River, passing many points of interest. With a variety of aqueducts, lock houses, and other buildings, sweeping views of the river in many places, and an almost entirely shaded towpath, […]

Sailing on the Shardana

The Chesapeake Bay is a world-famous sailing destination, and there’s good reason why. With its rich maritime history, picture-postcard towns, quaint islands, and endless coves, creeks and anchorages, there are plenty of places to explore and to enjoy. The largest estuary in the US, and the second largest in North America, the Bay’s 200 miles […]

9 Great Hikes for Kids

The MidAtlantic states region offers numerous opportunities for hiking that will intrigue your kids without destroying their will to ever step into a forest again. The point of these daytrips is to have fun (actually, the point of ALL daytrips is to have fun!). Before you head out, though, a little preparation can go a […]