Our goal, that cold last Saturday (25 April) was to park at Fort Frederick State Park, ride up to Hancock on the C&O Canal towpath, grab lunch, ride back on the Western Maryland Rail Trail, and then tour Fort Frederick, mostly because we were there and I could get two blogs for the effort of […]
Fun Times at Wine Festivals: Wine in the Woods
It’s more than wine. Wine in the Woods is all about the crowds, the music, the colors, the socializing… and yes, the wine, which is the excuse for some 30 thousand people to gather in one spot to listen to some good music (and some not) and to enjoy the outdoors and of course, to […]
How ’bout dem apples?! The National Apple Harvest Festival
Pennsylvania has a long history of growing apples — and is the fourth largest producer in the U.S. Adams County, in south Pennsylvania, where the National Apple Harvest Festival takes place two weekends each year, apples are taken seriously!Apples are everywhere. In fact more than five million bushels of apples are harvested in this one […]
Celtic Fling & Highland Games
Who doesn’t love a good Renaissance festival? Not that Renaissance festivals really just celebrate the European Renaissance anymore — if they ever did. Rather, they celebrate American lunacy and (mis)interpretation of the 1500-1600s in Europe. And that’s just fine by me. But if women went around with fairy wings strapped to their backs or furry […]